If Santa was a doctor, what would he say this Christmas?

 Christmas is here again. There will be a lot to eat and drink for most children. Friends and family will come visiting. There will be outdoor events that our children may attend. The kids must enjoy. It’s been a long year. However, in order not to turn the merry making into something unpleasant, we must take steps to ensure that our children are safe as they make merry during this festive season.

Here are a few things to note as a parent or guardian.

You must check the expiry dates of all edibles that are supposed to have expiry dates on them. Ensure they are not expired. Examine canned products and look for punctures, rust, or dents. It is better to avoid those ones. They may have germs or toxins in them.

If your children must go to a party or a park, do your research. Ensure the place will be safe for them. Go with them if you can, or be sure there is a trusted adult who will ensure their safety while they are having fun. Children can be kidnapped during such events or can easily get lost in the crowd.

As we decorate our homes, let us ensure that tiny objects that can easily fit into toddlers’ mouths are as much as possible not used or hanged in a place they can’t reach if they must be used. Such tiny, shiny objects can easily be mistaken for edibles and can be swallowed. Sometimes, these objects can easily get into the airway and cause serious respiratory problems or even death. We should also avoid giving them these tiny objects as gifts (toys with small parts that can easily be removed) or even food (tiny toffees, peanuts), especially if they are below five years.

Keep breakables out of their reach. There may be hampers containing alcoholic beverages and other products packaged in bottles. Children may out of curiosity pick and examine them. They can drink the contents if they manage to open the bottles. The bottles can slip out of their hands and break. They can get injured as a result.

There is a huge temptation to feed children with junk food during festivities. Resist it. Try and feed your children with healthy and delicious meals this Christmas.  As much as possible, include a lot of vegetables and fruits in their meals. Instead of giving them drinks loaded with artificial colours and sugar, give them fruit juice.

As we tidy up our homes, we should ensure that all detergents and cleaning agents are properly disposed off after the cleaning exercise or kept in a safe place. While you clean your home, if you must involve your children, give them tasks that will not involve the handling of harmful substances or that involves climbing. This is to ensure that they don’t fall from a height or ingest poisonous substances.

Some children might love to help in the cooking of the Christmas dishes. If you must involve them, make sure the task given them is age appropriate.  Be careful about they handling knives and getting close to the fire or hot liquids. Ensure that the handles of cooking wares are not in their way.

For children with peculiar conditions such as asthma, sickle cell, allergies, phobias, epilepsy, autism, cerebral palsy, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder etc., my advice is, know your child’s condition and know the triggers of exacerbation or what makes them uncomfortable. Don’t expose them to these. Ensure that whatever they eat doesn’t have allergens in them. Don’t expose them to crowds if that makes them uncomfortable. We much enjoy the festivities but not at their expense.

Finally, let us teach them what the celebration is all about, the remembrance of the birth of Christ, our saviour. Let us teach them about love, which is the greatest of all gifts.

Merry Christmas to our little Kings and Queens. May the coming year bring us good fortune and a closer walk with our saviour.


Dr. Gloria Amponsah-Kodua

Pediatrian specialist

Healthy Kids Foundation.

[email protected]


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